House Cleaning

Live blogging the development of a headless WordPress / Remix site. What other activities could be live blogged in a productive way?

Contextual Navigation

I thought I’d invented a term, but it turns out “contextual navigation” is a thing. Breadcrumbs provide context about where you are on a site, and navigation links that can be used to retrace your path back to where you came from.

Toggle Open/Collapse On Click

Looking into displaying posts in a child route of a category archive parent route, the first thing that comes to mind is that the archive’s posts listing on the parent route needs to expand/collapse on click.

Route configuration

The goal of this project was to display the text “Hello World!” at It somehow morphed into creating a Remix client application that consumes a headless WordPress site. I’ve been working without much of a plan. That’s starting to show in the application’s URL structure.

Previous and Next Post Links (take two)

I made a start on that yesterday, but stopped when I realized I didn’t understand what I was doing. Starting in the middle of a task without much of a plan might be an example of a “zalgorithm.” The trick is to be willing to go back to the beginning when necessary. I’ll do that now.

Link to the previous and next posts

Last night I found out I can serve images and audio files from a DigitalOcean space. Then I created a bunch of WordPress posts for audio files. Browsing through them got me wanting “previous” and “next” buttons at the bottom of each post.