Dealing With Paginated Data

I’m working on a Remix app that uses Discourse as the back end for its comment system. It was going great until I got to the question of how to handle large amounts of paginated data. This post documents the process of figuring that out. Scroll to the bottom to see the answer. The rest of what’s documented here is probably only of interest to me.

Hello Redis

Redis an in-memory database – it saves data to a server’s memory instead of writing it to disk. I don’t know much more about it (yet), but being able to read and write data without a lot of overhead might solve a problem I’ve run into. The problem I’m learning about Redis now because the… Continue reading Hello Redis

Adding a Comment Form Component

I’m working on a couple of apps that need a comment form – the popular text editors seem overly complex. They’re also mostly intended to be rendered on the client. I’m trying to avoid that. I’m going to try making an editor based on a textarea input. I might end up using it. I’m sure I’ll learn something…